Somatic experiencing

when we get quiet enough, we can hear what the body has to say.

do you hold tension in your body? what about unexplainable stomach sinking feelings? noticing you’re startling more lately? somatic experiencing (SE) can support you in regulating your nervous system and recovering from traumatic experiences.

What is somatic experiencing?

as mammals, We were never meant to hold it all in. fight. flight. freeze. these automatic responses get processed immediately during a life or death situation in the wild, but humans? we hold on. somatic experiencing (se) aids in resolving the pent up trauma, shock and pain stored in our bodies to release the stuck patterns of coping, build body resilience, and allow for something healing and new.

Amber mckinney-morgan runs a California and Iowa based Practice and has entered advanced training in somatic experiencing (se) through Somatic Experiencing® International (SEI).